100% PRETTAU zirconia:
ZirkonZahn has developed a highly esthetic zirconium dioxide (zirconia ZrO2 ) material known as Prettau Zirconia. It displays a high amount of translucency and is very attractive for the use in 100% full-zirconia restorations. Initially designed for full mouth reconstructions, this material is used the world over for prosthetics in the esthetic zone and posterior regions alike. When processed correctly, Prettau’s esthetics, fit, and precision is second to none compared to all other dental alloy and zirconia materials.
Zirconia has already been used over 40 years for industrial and medical purposes. It is exceptionally durable and 100% bio-compatible.
Unlike other zirconia material, though, Prettau zirconia is not a monochromatic restorative, dipped whole into color liquid before the sintering process. Instead, it is individually painted using a small brush, setting the proper bedrock of color, chroma, and value into it’s core. The difference is dramatic and uncompromisingly beautiful.
Prettau Zirconia is appropriate for single crowns, bridges, post & cores, and other cases needing special considerations. Prettau is especially worthy for second molars, implants, full mouth reconstructions, and cases of heavy bruxism. Though not necessary, Prettau can be layered with any zirconia porcelain for certain esthetic considerations.
ZirkonZahn has no reservations about knife-edge preparations in particular. Any preparation style is possible. No special prep technique is required.
When milled correctly, ZirkonZahn systems produce a fit to one hundredth of a degree. The marginal fit is 20 microns – the same or better than gold alloy.